Saturday, August 11, 2012


I deleted my facebook today. I just kind of got sick of it and decided that if people really need to get a hold of me, they could call or email me. Plus I really don't need to have 350 "Friends" so I just saved a bunch of time and got rid of it.

Although I doubt many people will actually notice.

So here is the point of this post. I hereby promise to update this blog more often and to actually post adorable pictures of Vada. I noticed that all the pictures I posted on here were on facebook and everyone had already seen them.

Plus it was a little creepy when people from church would comment that they just LOVED that one picture of Vada when we aren't even friends and I hadn't spoken more than a 'Hi how are you' to them.

 This would be the spot I would upload some pictures of Vada but I'm on Clinton's computer and Vada is asleep in her bouncer in our room which is where my camera is and I am not about to go in and wake up her just to find my cord and camera to upload pictures.

So instead of pictures of Vada, here is a picture that I laugh at every single time I see it.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THAT PICTURE, TOO. I almost cried the first time I saw it, I laughed so hard. And good for you on the FB thing!
