Vada spit up in my mouth. I did the dumbest thing and raised her over my head and she kind of exploded. It was warm. It also was disgusting, and it tasted a wee bit like sour milk.
I slit my thumb open trying to get wax out of a candle votive.
And yes mom, I froze it and coincidentally that is why it broke in my hand.
Oh and did I mention that someone *cough* Clinton *cough* stole ALL of my band aids and never brought them back? So I now have fun trying not to split my thumb open again so I don't bleed all over Vada or anything else for that matter.
Vada has started to roll over and is finally getting excited about toys. Especially ones I will let her put in her mouth.
Charlotte has figured out how to roll EVERYWHERE. I saw her staring at me between our recliner and love seat. Cute little lady.